eye exam phoropter

Why Should I Have My Eyes Examined Regularly?

eye exam phoropter

Having a routine comprehensive eye exam does more than just make sure you have the most up to date prescription - it is also a check up for your overall health. 

A comprehensive eye exam allows eye doctors to check for eye diseases which may be present well before they affect your vision. Furthermore, the eyes are one of the first indicators of systemic health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These issues can present themselves in the blood vessels in the back of your eye before they are visually present anywhere else, and eye doctors are trained in noticing such issues and addressing them before it becomes more serious. 

Improvements in technology has allowed doctors a much wider scope in their exams. Procedures such as digital retinal imaging can provide a much more in-depth look at a patient's eye, and help the doctor be as thorough as possible during the examination.

Children 19 years and under are covered by OHIP every year for a full exam; as are adults 65 and above. Be sure to take care of your eyes! 

Did you know this is what your retina looks like? 

Retinal Image


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how much do your eye exams cost


Hi, I am 18 years old and would like to get a full eye exam done. I have a health card and was wondering if it will be covered? If not, how much would I need to pay? I am hoping to come in today, would I need to book an appointment? Thanks!

Cherrie Echavez

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